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Free Spirit (Life-Size Sitting Bobcat)

Joshua Tobey

Free Spirit (Life-Size Sitting Bobcat)


Free Spirit (Life-Size Sitting Bobcat)


27"H x 10"D x 11.5"W

Highly Collectible Limited Edition Bronze of 35

To learn more about purchasing this bronze sculpture, please call Rowe Fine Art Gallery at 928.282.8877.

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Explore Joshua Tobey Sculpture


Joshua Tobey is a multiple award-winning bronze wildlife sculptor, based in Loveland, Colorado. He grew up with renowned sculptors Gene and Rebecca Tobey in New Mexico, formally apprenticing with them after college. His body of work stands out for the whimsical and playful personality he brings to his animal subjects, and masterful, cutting-edge patinas, applied in house at Joshua Tobey Studios. His notable national awards include serving as the poster artist for the 2012 Loveland Sculpture in the Park show, and featured artist at the 2014 Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival, being the first sculptor to ever receive this award.

Get to know Joshua Tobey