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Early Bird (Pre-Cast Roadrunner)

Ken Rowe

Early Bird (Pre-Cast Roadrunner)

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Early Bird detail by Ken Rowe.jpg
Ken Rowe sculpting Early Bird.jpg
Early Bird- Roadrunner-Ken_Rowe_800.jpg
Early Bird detail by Ken Rowe.jpg
Ken Rowe sculpting Early Bird.jpg

Early Bird (Pre-Cast Roadrunner)


12”H x 19”W x 5”D

Highly Collectible Limited Edition Bronze of 35.

A pre-cast bronze gives a collector the opportunity to invest in a bronze sculpture while it is still in the creation stage. In return for this investment, the collector secures their piece at a price guaranteed to be less than when it is debuted in bronze. Collectors enjoy a process of discovery alongside the sculptor, following the piece as it starts from an unfinished wax model, through the casting process at the foundry, to the finished bronze. The current pre-cast price listed reflects demand and is subject to change without notice. Delivery of a finished bronze will normally be within one year of purchase. We are excited to share our sculptors’ new and still-evolving creations with you.

To learn more about purchasing this pre-cast piece, please call Rowe Fine Art Gallery at 928.282.8877.

Early Bird Storyline

 “I love seeing the world and nature through the eyes of an artist. In doing so, I find inspiration in the quirkiest ways – a shadow in the shape of a bear, a tree stump that looks like a great composition for an eagle - heck, I once sculpted a two-time gold medal sculpture of a running pronghorn inspired by a cloud formation! With that said, how could any wildlife artist resist sculpting a roadrunner when they keep running across the trails in front of them? 

No, I can’t deny these not-so-subliminal messages. So, what’s next? Flipping that switch in my head from artist to engineer: compiling data – measurements, determining scale, drawings, small sketches in clay and then the armature – to replicate an articulated skeleton.  I truly enjoy building armatures. Based on the inquiries, many people are intrigued by the armature.

Believe it or not, after all the fun prep work, the hardest part of the sculpting process is flipping that switch set on “engineer” back to “artist.” In my case, it may take weeks, but when the time is right and it happens, it’s the best feeling in the world to create something from thin air. This new piece, “Early Bird,” came from that place in my mind I cannot explain.” - Artist Ken Rowe

Please Call 928-282-8877

Explore Ken Rowe Sculpture


Ken Rowe is a multiple award-winning bronze Wildlife artist, based in Sedona, Arizona, and showing throughout the West. Over the years, he has been recognized by the Society of Animal Artists, Mountain Oyster Club, Western Artists of America, Phippen Museum, Desert Caballeros Western Museum and Sedona Arts Center. Ken sculpts chiefly from live reference, always gaining in person access to the wildlife he portrays, from mountain lion to bison to quail. His collectors are compelled by the dynamic motion, depth of character and precise detail that Ken captures in his subjects, almost feeling like they are sitting in front of the creature itself.

Get to know Ken Rowe.