Ken Rowe
The Howling Wind - Lifesize (Two Wolves)
The Howling Wind - Lifesize (Two Wolves)
The Set of two wolves will be cast as a Highly Collectible Limited Edition Bronze of 12
Set Price: $85,000
Standing Wolf: Approximate Dimensions - 64”H x 37”W x 17”D $45,000
Sitting Wolf: Approximate Dimensions - 51”H x 31”W x 16”D $43,000
Please click here to see a video of the beautiful Howling Wind wolves in a client installation!
To learn more about purchasing these highly collectible bronze sculptures, please call Rowe Fine Art Gallery at 928.282.8877.
Explore Ken Rowe Sculpture
Ken Rowe is a multiple award-winning bronze Wildlife artist, based in Sedona, Arizona, and showing throughout the West. Over the years, he has been recognized by the Society of Animal Artists, Mountain Oyster Club, Western Artists of America, Phippen Museum, Desert Caballeros Western Museum and Sedona Arts Center. Ken sculpts chiefly from live reference, always gaining in person access to the wildlife he portrays, from mountain lion to bison to quail. His collectors are compelled by the dynamic motion, depth of character and precise detail that Ken captures in his subjects, almost feeling like they are sitting in front of the creature itself.