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Soft Light of Evening

Lynn Heil

Soft Light of Evening


Soft Light of Evening


6”H x 8”W

Original Oil on Panel

Location is: Coffee Pot from Posse Ground, Sedona, Arizona

Please call the gallery at 928.282.8877 for current availability.

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Explore Lynn Heil Oil Paintings


Lynn Heil is a prolific Arizona oil painter and mixed media artist, based in Sedona, Arizona. His love of nature often takes him out in the field, where he paints the magnificent landscape en plein air. Through his work he seeks to capture the ephemeral quality of northern Arizona, especially Sedona, Oak Creek Canyon and the Grand Canyon. He has been juried into numerous shows at the Sedona Arts Center, and was invited to participate in the inaugural Plein Air Legacy Event at Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village in 2016.

Get to know Lynn Heil.