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Amy Ringholz

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24”H x 24”W

Original Oil Painting on Canvas

Please call the gallery at 928.282.8877 for current availability.

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Explore Amy Ringholz Art

If you look into the eyes of the wildlife that Amy Ringholz captures using oils, acrylics, ink and graphite, you might just recognize yourself. That’s because the Jackson, Wyoming, artist formally trained as a portraitist. She believes that experience gives her wildlife subjects a striking humanity that draws the viewer into their story. “I try to put my wild heart and love of freedom into my paintings,” says Amy. “When you place a piece of my work in your home...I want that work to inspire your life with beauty, creativity and love.” This sentiment translates to her collectors - notably, in 2012, at the age of 34, she was named the youngest-ever featured artist for the Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival. A year later, she opened her own gallery in Jackson Hole. 

Get to Know Amy Ringholz