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Square Braid Horsehair Hoop Earrings with Sterling Silver (E-7A B)

Jennifer Inge

Square Braid Horsehair Hoop Earrings with Sterling Silver (E-7A B)


Square Braid Horsehair Hoop Earrings with Sterling Silver (E-7A B)


Horsehair Hoop Earring with Fine Sterling Tube French Earwire.

Please call the gallery at 928.282.8877 for current availability.

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Explore Jennifer Inge Horsehair Jewelry


 An avid equestrian, Jennifer Inge spends days riding through Mineral County and the San Juan Mountains of Colorado by horseback, collecting inspiration for her many artistic creations. Though Jenny's first artistic passion is metal smithing, she is most known for her fine horsehair braiding. The Inge Horsehair Jewelry Collection is unique in the world. Childhood braiding and macramé, along with college studies in anthropology, lead her to decipher antique patterns and invent new ones. Her work has shown in galleries and museum shops across the country and memorializes the cherished equine friends of horse lovers.   

Get to know Jennifer Inge