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Yellow Rock River Bison

Joel Petersen

Yellow Rock River Bison


Yellow Rock River Bison


4”H x 2.5”W x 4.5”D

Highly Collectible Limited Edition Bronze of 35

Please call the gallery at 928.282.8877 for current availability.

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Explore Joel Petersen Sculpture


Joel Petersen was born and raised in Wyoming. His love of wildlife began at an early age and remains today. The bronze sculpture, Cutthroat Breakfast, is inspired by the bears who dine on native Wyoming cutthroat trout at Soda Butte Creek in Yellowstone National Park. The bison sculptures also represent those you might see roaming free at Yellowstone.

Joel has lived in Prescott, Az for the last 30 years where he helps manage The Bronze Age, working alongside his son Erik and grandson Jeremiah. He has many hobbies that include writing songs and poetry along with gardening, raising chickens and fishing.

 Get to Know Joel Petersen