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Still Standing My Ground (Bison)

Jen Farnsworth

Still Standing My Ground (Bison)


Still Standing My Ground (Bison)


22”H x 28”W

Original Oil Painting on gallery profile canvas, framed.

Arriving in the gallery on Sunday, March 16 2025

Please call the gallery at 928.282.8877 for current availability.

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“Mr. Innocent” Storyline

“Meet Don Coyote, a permanent resident of the Runnin’ W Wildlife Center located just outside of Sedona in the town of Cornville. Orphaned as a newborn, ‘Don’ became bonded to founder Billy Harvey at the Center. Very comfortable with humans, ‘Don’ was never able to be released to the wild. Today, he serves as Animal Ambassador at the Center - engaging visitors with his handsome beauty and beautiful songs. He provides Billy with the  opportunity to teach all visitors about the important role coyotes play in the wild. Of course all wildlife is ‘innocent’ but here is the mischievous smile Don was giving me one day - just to let me know he really is the most innocent of all!”     

   - Jen Farnsworth


Explore Jen Farnsworth Oil Paintings


Jen Farnsworth is a Sedona, Arizona based oil painter. Growing up in Northern Maine, nature and wildlife in action inspired Jen to begin making art from a young age. Today Jen’s bold, internationally-collected canvases showcase the extraordinary wildlife and colors of the Southwest in vivid hues.  

Get to Know Jen Farnsworth